Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby You Were Born This Way!


Let's start this day out BaCkWaRdS...

  • I am currently sitting at Sara Barber's apartment watching her drink wine, a little too comical----> "Am I red because I'm burnt, or because I'm drunk?" :)
  • We ate some El Tap for supper, which I shouldn't have done, but I did :( Though I very skillfully ordered 'No SourCream' with my meal. Vegans Unite!
  • I attended all 3 of my classes today. bleh.
  • I ran 1.5 miles today, and it sucked! I'm thinking of investing in a sports bra that DOESN'T allow your boobs to bounce while running! I just hate that :/
  • I worked a little bit on homework, and when I say a little bit, I mean a little bit.
And that's about the extent of my day. I thought I should blog since I haven't in a day? I think?

*I have a Statistics Test Thursday, which sucks majorly. I'll be studying for that hardcore starting..oh tomorrow!

*I need to go to the grocery and buy some (cheap) vegan goodies so I can continue on my health kick.

--And I've decided today, that I'm not going to tip-toe around peoples' feelings any longer. I know several people who wouldn't hesitate a second to throw their beliefs up in my face, because they do it all the time. So with that being said, I'm going to say how I feel and you can just sit there with your mouth open all day long for all I care.


First off, Lady Gaga's new song 'Born This Way' sends out a very inspirational message, and it doesn't have to be directed just at the LBGT community, even though that's what people take it as. Personally, I don't care if you're gay, that's your thing and it doesn't concern me whatsoever. If it hurt me physically, then we might have a problem, but it doesn't. So go on with your bad self and be happy! You only live life once.

****Plus Lady Gaga has raised a quarter of a million dollars already for Japan by selling 'We Pray for Japan' bracelets. Go you!****

Enough ranting for one day.

Stay Pretty,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Back to the Drawing Board...


Spring Break is officially over. bleh.  I should have done way more homework than what got accomplished. Now, Sunday night, I'll be sitting up all night finishing what is due tomorrow. Then I have a big Test Thursday in Statistics. Aren't teachers just so nice?

Sorry if I don't seem enthused about blogging. I'm in somewhat of a grumpy mood. Like don't look at me or talk to me kinda mood.

I'm somewhat frustrated with the Nursing Home. I went back up there and turned in my application and everything and they won't hire me (if they're going to ) until I can find out about a CNT class from Hartsville Tech, because I have to be certified within 4 months of being hired. I'm on the waiting list for a CNT class but I won't be able to start until I'm out of College for the summer and well it's just darn frustrating!

It seems like everyone who is a Nursing Major has a job in a hospital, Dr's office, or hospital except for Sarah Carter and it just pisses me off. I do everything (Waitress, Dispatch, Lifeguard) unrelated to my major! Sorry, just a little pissed off.

Well there's nothing I can do just yet. Bills have to be paid so that means jobs I don't want to do have to be done.

Taking my bad mood and heading back to school.

Stay Pretty,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Veganist: Day 1

Day 1 equals a success! I got a late start to the day so I had to skip breakfast. But I had a banana for snack. Then for lunch I had nachos( no cheese or meat) with beans, chips, and salsa :) and for supper I'll be having Subway, a Veggie sandwich with no cheese and no sauce. You all make think this is bland, but I am very proud of myself!

I had a person ask why I did this? I love animals, but my heart isn't in it just for that. I like to challenge myself with new things and this just so happens to be one of them :) I was Vegetarian for 3 years, and that all came about just by seeing if I could do it. And I did! It's will power, I tell everyone, and anyone can do it if they make their mind up to.

So I saw these shoes the other day, and I must have them! I think if I get hired on at the Nursing home, that I'm going to buy them to wear at work :)

They just look so comfortable and cute and I must have them :)

So has Spring Break went by uber fast or what? I'm kinda upset about that. Although I haven't really done anything of any significance, I've enjoyed the time off and relaxation I've established. But we're over half way done, so let's all get All A's and have a great summer :)

I talked to Cheyenne Austin today, who goes to Cumberland, about taking Anatomy II there (if I get into their Nursing Program) and she said it was easy, that you just have to study. So I think I'm just going to wait and take it there instead of trying to squeeze it in this summer with 2 jobs. Because let's face it, if I get into Cumberland, I'll need every penny I got just so I won't have to take out so much in loans!

Well. I guess I shall get off here and work on some homework, while I wait for Kaleb to come along with supper and we can watch Jersey Shore :)

Stay Pretty,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I AM going to do this!

Hello blog world,

So, I know you are just going to blow and roll your eyes when I say this..but I'm going to say it anyways and it's going to happen! :

I AM going to go Vegan!

Now a friend of mine sent me a diagram where it pretty much pokes the theory of being a "true" Vegan in the ass. And I quite agree with it, I would literally have to spend all my life savings, income, and what ever else money I could scrounge up just to be truly vegan, which means I would NOT consume or wear any animal products, use them etc.

You would basically have to be a movie star to accomplish this, and well I just don't have the money for when I say Vegan, I mean not eating any animal products. And then if I become rich someday, then we'll see about a true Vegan.

I bought 2 books today dealing with "Veganism" and I plan to get started on this with the right mind-set..a can-do attitude :) and I even made that rhyme for you :)

I understand this is going to be hard, and with some set backs, but it will happen. and by June 1st 2011, I plan to have all my kinks sorted out and on to a fresh green new lifestyle :)

Don't get me wrong, this will be challenging and I'm sure some of you think I'm my dad who said... "Have you ever ate meat?", "Yes?", "Then why would you ever want to stop!"  That's oldfashioned dad talking for ya..who likes his women with long hair and detests 'tree-huggers' as he calls them.

But I'm going to do this :) So if any of you see me out with any animal product (dairy, etc) then slap my hand and say no ma'm!

*Understand that butter and such are hard to elliminate(sp?), but it's the sense of eating all vegetables, fruits, and whole grains that I'm going for :)

-This has been many attempted and many a fail, but  what's the saying?

 "Try, Try, and try again"

Stay pretty ,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring Break..chhhyea!


I'm on Spring Break and so far it's been pretty boring..which is great! This past weekend I worked 36 hours in 3 days and I do not recommend it. It finally caught up with me about 8pm Saturday night and we just so happened to get slammed at Grecian, I decided I would forfeit my tables to the other girls, because the mood I was in was NOT a money making mood.

So, I've recovered from that, finally! I ran several errands today: Paid my insurance, Sent back 2 packages,Ate lunch with Amy, and turned in 2 applications( one for Pool Manager and one for the Nursing Home).

Now I'm sitting at home, thinking about starting a new book: Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice..the first book in her Vampire Chronicles series. I figured I might as well go ahead and start another book while I'm waiting for the new Sookie Stackhouse book to come out in May :)

I also start Season 1 of Trueblood yesterday..I'm uber excited! It'll take me awhile to finish because each episode is 1 hour long! Outrageous!

But I'm off to read.

Stay Pretty,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sad Wednesday..

So, I had a pretty sad Wednesday. I found out that I didn't get into the Nursing Programs at either TTU or ETSU. So now I'm praying that I get into Cumberland. The application isn't due until June so I have to wait a little while, which is nerve-wrecking!

Spring Break starts after I get out of class at 2:20 tomorrow! I'm super excited :) but not super excited about the 36 hours I have to work in 3 days before my break really begins :/

I'll be turning in my pool application this Friday. Next week, I'll be turning in my Nursing Home application. And I really hope I get both jobs. I'm just ready to have a steady income(kinda) and work schedule while I go to school in the fall.

I'll be working alot this summer, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. I have to get a new car this summer, especially if I'll be commuting to school everyday. The little bug has just about had it. :(

Although I was disappointed yesterday, I'm keeping my head up. Things happen for a reason and I just wasn't meant to go to either of those schools. I'm hopefully going to finish up this semester with all A's and that will help out my gpa greatly :)

Just taking it day by day. :)

Stay Pretty,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A little slow..

So I've not blogged in quite some time. I apologize for that. I just get so busy and not in the mood to blog, so I don't.

I worked alot last weekend, which isn't new. I enjoy the money but I will really be enjoying the money when I don't have to pay $400 rent for this stupid apartment anymore. This is my last semester at Tech( Unless I get accepted into the nursing program *crosses-fingers*) I just sit here and think how much money I would have saved( oh roughly $3600..and to see the figure makes me sick :/ ) if I hadn't gotten this apartment. I like the convience but I definately should have driven back and forth. Oh well, you live and learn.

My insurance has also went down since I'm 21 :) This makes me a happy bird! My dad said, "Well what are you going to do with all the extra money left over from your insurance?" and I said "Well buy a new car of course!". Sadly enough, the bug as had it. She's a 2000/2001 <--whichever one my old bug wasn't.--- and we've had our days. Here recently, she's decided she will blare her little beeper at me and blick her little 'Brake' light to let me know that my emergeny brake is still on, which it never is. So I have to calmly tell my passenger to ingnore this, and no the car is not about to explode.

So I'm hoping that without having to pay rent this summer that I can save up and get a new(er) car before I start whatever Nursing School in the Fall. :)

Not much is going on with me, It's the week before Spring Break and I'm totally estatic(sp?).  I get to have a whole week off to do nothing! I get to see my sister perform in the public Interact Show, which is always fun, and of course My love will be there with me :)..well, he had better be! He's been working long hours so said he may not be able to make it :/

I reluctantly told Kaleb I would go with him on the opening morning for Killing Turkeys. :/ But i said I refused to kill anything and if I were him I wouldn't be surprised if I scared them all away :) He wasn't to fond of that idea. He says I'll fall in love with it, and I say he's crazy. But you have to give a little to get a little, so I said I would go because I know it makes him happy. I wonder if I can take pictures? Or if the sound will scare away the turkeys... muahah.

Well I'm on the last Sookie Stackhouse book: Dead in the Family

and I'm very sad about this. :( I really hope she continues to write more and I will definately be watching the TV show or getting the seasons one.

Also, I have my new Kindle since my other broke! It slide off in the floor( from atop a stack of pillows not even 1 ft off the floor!) and hit the carpet and that made the screen bust. I just couldn't believe it. But it was still under warranty and I received a free one, but have to send back the defected one. So now we are reunited and the Nerds proclain victory once again. :)

Stay Pretty,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So Nervous!

I'll go ahead and say: I think I am one very nervous person. I just have very good ways of hiding it from others, and even from myself. Lots of things make me nervous. Like Coffee. I was sitting in class today, and after having drank a Mocha Frapachino( a BIG no no) I suddenly felt very nervous. Like the kind of nervous you get when you have to get up in front of a big crowd or do something you've never done before. So I've come to the conclusion that I shall steer(stear?) clear of coffee for I do not like feeling nervous whatsoever.

Then after having drank my coffee + some water = I had to get up and go tinkle in the middle of class. Well a few students had already gotten up and left, either out of boredom or prior obligations I'm not sure, and so when I made my exit for the Toilet, the teacher goes balistic, saying how she WILL give a quiz and blah blah teacher talk. So then I re-entered the room,and  well I just hope she felt like a big douche for subconsciously slurring me that way.

I also went and bought a very snazzy cute looking journal today that I am going to turn into a Food Journal to keep up with my daily intake and calories along with whatever exercise I do that day.

Along with a cute pen to keep me motivated to write in my Chic journal...

I'm hoping that since I have to keep up with what I'm eating and everything that I'll try better to be a healthy person and not have as many setbacks or cheats.

Also, I received(<-- I just figured out last night that I have been mispelling this word for like years! :/ ) an email today saying that UD Nursing Acceptance/Denial letters will be going out no later than Feb. 28, which is Monday. I'm somewhat nervous, ok..very nervous...because I would really be so happy if I could get in here at Tech! I would still be in school with my friends and it wouldn't be so darn expensive! So all you people out there reading this blog..say a silent prayer for me the week of the 28th! I'll be sure to keep you informed on the status of this application.

So this is all I can think to write about right now. Oh! I'm currently reading the 8th Sookie Stackhouse Book..From Dead to Worse... :) Almost done! Just one more book to go :)
I'll also be turning in my pool application this Friday, so cross your fingers that I get the manager job! Have a great day!

Stay Pretty,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Never Fear....For I am still here :)

Well just call me a slacker because that's definately what I am. I haven't blogged in about 2 weeks it seems :/ but I'll try to get better :) I'm not off this bandwagon just yet folks!

So I have become completely OBSESSED with Charlaine Harris books, which would be what several of you may know at the t.v. show TrueBlood that comes on HBO. Well believe it or not, there were books before there was the show. Currently there are 9 books and within the past 3 weeks, I've been able to make it to book #7-All Together Dead...

and after I've finished the books, I hope to jump right into the 1st 2 seasons :)....

I mean once I'm started on something, I just can't stop until it's over or I get bored :)

Ok, moving on...

School is going pretty swell right now. Except in the Espanol area..which I need to work on a little bit :/ but everything else is dandy :)

Kaleb and I are the happiest we've ever been :) and I love that and I love him :)

I'm getting somewhat antsy about Nursing Schools. It's after Feb. 1st so I should be hearing something mighty quick from ETSU and TTU. I've mentioned moving to ETSU if I got accepted and Kaleb moving with me. He's not too fond of the idea but it would save us a tone of money and debt! I just hope he really considers, now if I don't get in there then that won't be a problem :/

Also, I have recently(yesterday) decided to go back Vegetarian. So this means no more meat but I will still be eating cheese, until further notice, which means until I can break myself :) I did enjoy eating meat but I allow myself to go overboard with it and that causes me to eat unhealthy and then adds on the pounds :/

My goal right now is 5lbs. because I've always heard you need to start out small or you'll fall off the train. So when I reach these five pounds I'm going to treat myself to a New pair of TOMS or a new Vera Bradley Wallet...hmm decisions decisions :)

or the wallet :)

:) just posting these pictures makes me want to lose that 5lbs fast! haha but this is enough blogging for today :) Hopefully I'll return tomorrow!

Stay Pretty,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy -I Love Us- Day :) I one happy girl :)

So I've had a rough couple of days as most of you know, but they are definately looking up! I have the best boyfriend in the entire world! I came back to the apartment for school and was surprised to find Roses and some groceries from my baby :)

Needless to say I cried for quite some time because I'm just a big baby like that. Life is hard as a college student sometimes and this just meant alot to me. I thought Kaleb did a great job and was very sincere and thoughtful :) I'm so blessed to have him in my life, even if it can get a little bumpy sometimes, I wouldn't have it any other way :)

I have a Microbiology Test this Wednesday and I'm very nervous about it :/  so please think of me! I'm also getting my hair done Tuesday and I'll have pictures up asap! I'm going to talk to the Nursing Home in Lafayette about a job for this summer and working on my references for my pool application so it'll look good :) I have an Eye Dr. apt Tuesday and I'm super excited because I just know in my heart that I need glasses! haha in truth, I really want glasses because I think they are cool and I've not gotten my eyes checked in like 3 years so I may just get them :) If not, well I'll pout :/

To end this lovely day, I am putting up a picture that truly describes Kaleb and I's relationship :)

I hope you enjoy that :) It makes me laugh everytime I see it! I'm trying to document our relationship more so I've got to get this boy camera friendly! Plus, can you tell he's dipping? lol

Stay Pretty and Happy Valentines Day,

Friday, February 11, 2011

And so it goes on.


Today would be day number 5 on my 'situation'. I thought it could get better, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Unless the other party decides that things will change, otherwise, I'm stuck in this boat, going down this stream, into a blackhole, not knowing what is next.

I always wanted to be a writer. But I only have spirts of creativity. :/ You can't make a living without consistency.

Seems my plate keeps piling up. And I sink further into my hole(apt, bed, etc. ) and further into my mind(reading, studying, etc.). At least my books are my friends and enjoy my company and don't ask my opinion.

blah. Well I have to work tonight. I hope I make some money and that we are so busy so I won't have to look at my phone. Or think of 'you' since you obviously aren't having too hard a time not thinking of me.

Then it's home for a night of studying and questioning from my parents wondering why I am home. :/

Stay Pretty,

P.S. This does make me a littler happier....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink"

I am soooooo bored! I stayed up till 3am reading on my book and finished it. When I just started it yesterday. :/ I have a bad case of cabin fever. I'm only taking 13 hours so I feel like I have so much time on my hands! I have my Stats Test and Micro Quiz tonight and I feel prepared enough for them.

I guess this weekend I'll be studying for my Micro Test that's on Monday.  I just can't even stress how bored I am. Like the title implies, seems like there's alot of things to do..but there really isn't.

Today is Day 4 of my predicament(sp?). and it makes me giddy. because you never know what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, or if it's even going to happen. So I'm just here. Think of me.

Stay Pretty,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is Right?


I'm sitting here studying for my first Statistics Test which is tomorrow night. I'm somewhat nervous about this since I'm so horrible at Math. :/ But so far on the quizzes I've made straight 100s but they aren't that difficult. And just the word 'Test' makes everything way worse! So wish me luck :) I also have a Micro-biology quiz but I'm not too worried about it since I enjoy that class.

So I'm going through some tough times right now. As most of you can probably tell by my facebook statuses... I took a chance on a decision, although not a permanent one, that I thought would better help my situation and it's backfired in my face. Somewhat. I think that someone was waiting for me to make this decision so they wouldn't have to. And it hurts. Now I'm the one with the blame.

This may be a bit confusing but I don't want to reveal too much of what is going on right now because I hope that things look up.

Ok..on to happier thoughts.
I have absolutely no life! I've read 2 Sookie Stackhouse books in 2 weeks and am on the 3rd one right now:

..and there is so much snow! Well not in Cookeville just yet, but I hear it's coming! My mom called from home and thinks they already have 2 inches or so and of course Laura is out of school again. Lucky shit. :/ But she'll have to go more days which kind of sucks. Sucks for her :)

But I'm off to work on some Microbiology and study a bit more before I plunge into my nightly reading. Wish me the best with my test and my 'situation'. <3

Stay Pretty,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"What's fair for one, is fair for the other."

The person who told me this is now eating their hypocritical words.
Some people should really think before they speak.

This is all I'm posting today for fear that if I continued to type, I would in no way be able to stop for quite some time.

As you can probably tell, I am slightly frustrated. 'Slightly' being an understatement, but I am trying to stay positive.

Stay Pretty,

P.S. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Good grade Gwenth over here..

So I would like to take this time to totally BRAG on myself for my good grades thus far this semester. The lowest grade I've made is an 80 :/ but there may be a problem with that quiz I took so this may not be an accurate score. So that would mean my lowest grade is a 96A! Yes, I am patting myself on the back because that is very good! I've really come a long way since I was a Freshman in college with the way I care about my grades.

Enough of that..

I had to work on SuperBowl Sunday which was a bummer, but I'm glad I did because the girl who I was working for (Marisa) found out that she has the flu! Oh no! I only made $7 but that's ok :)

I went to the gym earlier and had a good workout. I keep forgetting my bathing suit so I can start swimming! Now it's all rainy here and I just want to sleep....Zzzzz... although I may read a little bit before I do so. Then it's on to a night full or homework and preparing for that Microbiology Test that is Monday! Oh my gosh I'll need lots of luck!

Also, it's after Feb. 1. So what does that mean? It means I'll be hearing from 2 of the 3 Nursing Schools I've applied to: Tech and ETSU. Kind of nervous, but excited too. :) Wish me luck!

I love LOVE love the new take on Valentines Day. It's not I love you, it's I love us :) This is too sweet.

And I can't get off here today without putting a cutsie little commercial on here. This is just adorable and if you don't think so..well you had better just watch it again. :)

Stay Pretty,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Omg. I swear I've not forgotten about my BLOG


So who hasn't been doing her blog daily like she's supposed to? That'd be this little miss right here!

I guess I had better get ya'll caught up on my life. We'll try to make a quick run thru of this, I mean it is 2:11am and why in the world am I even up!

  • To answer that first one, I just got in not long ago from being with Kaleb. And we did our usual Friday routine: we fell asleep. This usually ends up in me waking up with a bad case of -my-arm-is-so-asleep-is-it-even-there-kind of thing. :/ <--discomfort. So right now I am trying to recover from that.

Surely it'd be easier to update you backwards?

  • Ok so I worked at Grecian tonight. Shoot me. I really am such an unpleasant waitress and I'm sure everyone sees that but after 3 years of it they are like 'whatever, it's just Sarah'. I love them dearly for still giving my happy ass money.

  • While at work, I learned how truly bad I am at Spanish, which is an everyday kinda thing. :)

  • Uh I had a Spanish Quiz and Music Test today(Friday) and totally Aced both of them :) I know I made a 96 on my Music Test and I think I got a 100 in Spanish!

  • I'm starting to get overwhelmed in my Stats class because it's not 'Find the Mean,Median,& Mode anymore :/'

  • Kaleb came and saw me on Thursday night which is an every week thing. I love Thursday nights :) Plus Jersey Shore comes on then.

  • I attended Kaleb's Great-Grandmothers Birthday Party Wednesday night along with the whole family and Brianna. Kaleb told some embarassing personal stories of us. He got a kick out of it. Me..not so much. :|

  • I went to the Dentist on Tuesday and learned that I can easily switch over to Dental Hygiene if I ever got bored with Nursing which is interesting.

  • May be getting a job at the Nursing Home in Laf. I just have to run by and put in an application and talk to a few people and hope for the best! Then that means no more Grecian!!

That pretty well sums up my week. Not so interesting but works for me :)

Stay Pretty,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home, Home on the range...

You know, I can never remember how that song goes anymore ^ which is a shame because when you're young, silly songs like these are drilled into your head, and I've forgotten them. And actually, that's one of my biggest fears: Forgetting. I think I could deal with alot of things happening but forgetting who you are and people that are important to you is just so sad to me.

It reminds me of Allie on the Notebook when she gets older and how Noah reads her their story over and over just in hopes that something will jog her memory. It's sweet but also very sad. That's why I tend to write alot down, I have several journals, and I really should start taking more pictures. You all make think this is silly, but everyone is afraid of something.

Ok enough with being a Debby Downer, Now I'm going to share the wealth! I am addicted to this website, it's called Etsy. On here people from all over the world sell homemade items of their own, and you can find just about anything on here! So far I've ordered Tampon Holders(they are super cute), Ipod Cases, Kindle Cases, bracelets, etc. And I've recieved these items from London, Jersulem, Thailand, New Jersey,and Kansas, to name a few.

click on this!

So I finally went and swapped my scrub shirt that Kaleb's mom got me. It was a little big so I got a smaller size and am now set :) I can't wait to take my CNA classes this summer and hopefully get a job at a Nursing home! And then you know what that means...No More Grecians!!

Everyone thinks I'm kidding, that'll I'll continue to stay, but it's not worth it anymore. Sometimes I may good money but I'm at the point now where I would do just about any other job besides that one as Long as I could get out. :/  So as soon as the pool opens this summer I am quitting! I will miss the people but I will not miss the place.

I had better go do some homework, remember to check out the site above!

Stay Pretty,

Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm sorry Mr. Kindle...

So I would like to go ahead and apologize to my Kindle for not reading it nightly like I had been. And I would also like to apologize to Sookie and Charlaine Harris for not finishing their book in record time like I usually do! Stupid College.

I really have so much time on my hands since I'm only taking 13 hours that I am constantly doing homework it seems, trying to stay ahead and keep everything neat. I'm so OCD about keeping things neat whether that be binders, notes, etc.

I have a Dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm not too thrilled about that. I don't hate the dentist, but they just sit there and chat-chat-chat away, expecting you to respond, knowing all along that they won't be able to understand you which is perfectly fine with them.

Which makes me think about retainers, which reminds me that I haven't worn them in a couple of nights and I'm disappointed now.

So I've been meaning to blog about this for awhile but keep forgetting! But if I lose 5lbs then I'm going to buy myself a new pair of shoes as a reward:

which I just love TOMS shoes. I think it's just such a good cause. You buy a pair of shoes and they also send a pair of shoes to a child without shoes in another country! Also TOMS One Day Without Shoes is coming up soon! Hopefully it won't rain this year :)

Stay Pretty,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

All These Songs About Rain..


Have you ever had one of those days, where you pass a Landmark or hear a Song and it takes you back to some other places full of so much memory. Well I've had one of those days today. And it sucks.

You're riding along minding your own business then BAM! There you go down memory lane. And most of the time when this happens it isn't all Rainbows and Sunshine. NO. It's full of questioning about why you did the things you did.

But a couple of deep breaths and the feelings passes.. until the next time they( memories) decide to visit.

Stay Pretty,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

So as I was sitting around waiting to go to the gym the other day, I flipped through the channels until I got to MTV, one of my favorite channels, and the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape was on. Let me just say, Johnny Depp is a hotty in this movie! And I swear he's not aged a day!

I also heard rumor that there's another Pirates of The Caribbean movie coming out! But Orlando and Kierra won't be in it :( which is super sad. enough with my nerdyness! This week at school went really fantastic :) I've told myself that I'm not going to miss a single class and so far I haven't! I also had a quiz in Microbiology and I think I got a 100 on it!

Also, I worked out at the gym everyday this week and that is some accomplishment for me because I'm never able to make myself go, but I've actually enjoyed going and being able to work out.

Kaleb and I celebrated our 10 month anniversary the other day <3 It seems like longer because it actually is longer. We hung out 3 months before I would ever date him, now I wish we would have started dating the very first day! At times I feel like I'm rushing our relationship when later on down the road I'll wonder where the time has gone and want some more!

Well we are going to look at a house today, I'm hopefully, but Kaleb says not to jump in because it's the first house we're looking at and usually the first house isn't the house that you get. We have to wait until I'm out of Cookeville which isn't until May, so we're just looking now.

Wish us luck!

Stay Pretty,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jersey Shore!

Ok, so I will admit, I am addicted to the quite ridiculous show called : Jersey Show. What is it about this not so real reality that really gets everyone going? Well I'm not sure either, but I swear I can't get up or do anything productive when it's on.

Also, another reality show that I love is coming back for a New Season in 2 weeks: My Life As Liz :) I really like this show because it does seem to be more realistic than the Jersey Shore. And Liz is just so darn interesting!

So I have a quiz in Microbiology today and I'm really quite nervous about it. Actually, I'm nervous about anything that is ever graded. Since this will probably be my last semester at Tech, I am shooting for all A's! And am bound and determined that this will happen.

I'm proud to say that I've officially lost 2 pounds :) I've really been going hard at it at the gym this week ( Running a mile and doing 20mins on the Eliptical(sp?) ) so I hope all of that hard work pays off!

I'm hoping things are working themselves out for the better :) Kaleb and I are going to look at a house on Saturday and he's going to talk to someone about some houses on Friday. Don't get me wrong, we won't live together until marrige but that's in the near future and we are just lining things up :)

I have just got done cleaning the entire apt, which when you live in a One Bedroom apt, it takes only 30 mins, but this place suure needed it!

Kaleb is coming up tonight and is going to have supper cooked when I get in from lab and I'm so excited about that! He really is the better cook between the two of us. I'm not too good on flavoring and he's been taught, very well, how to cook, especially all that Southern stuff :) Yum! But tonight we having Stuffed Peppers, which I think I've had once before? But I think there's like rice in the middle of the peppers and some sort of cheese somewhere? And we're having Refried beans, oh goodness it just makes me hungry talking about it!

So does anyone else besides me have that one machine that they love at the gym and would just about push someone off to get on it? That's how I am with one of the Elipticals here at Tech. It's like the newest one in the whole room and someone is ALWAYS on it! So when it's free, like today, it's almost like Christmas and I get a little tear in my eye..but it doesn't fall. A little extreme? Maybe. But it completes my day :)

Stay Pretty,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Wonderland :)

I have to say that I am so exhausted! I didn't go to sleep until 1 something because I stayed up late reading and that just gets my brain all wired and un-sleepy like! But I'm almost done with Sookie Stackhouse :) and then I'll be starting the 2nd book! I try to read every night before I go to bed, just for a little relaxation time from a stressful day full of school work and blehness.

It snowed last night, and I love snow! Only one of my classes got canceled, Micro, so I still had to go to my other classes. It's like a New Years Resolution of mine to attend every class! You know usually you'll skip one of two classes but not me!

I'm also soooo sore from the gym! I've been running a mile and doing 20mins on the Eliptical(sp?) every day and my legs just aren't used to this! But I know it'll pay off in the long run! I can't wait to weigh on Monday and see if there is any difference :)

So here's my embarassing moment for today: I work with several Mexicans back home at Grecians, and when they ask me how I'm doing instead of saying 'Mui Bien', they've told me to say 'Mui Buena'(sp?) which I thought was actually just the girl version of 'good'. So I say "Mui Buena" to my Spanish teacher this morning and she didn't really say anything. Well I go eat El Tap with my sisters today and a waiter that I know really well (Jose) asks me how I'm doing and I say.. "Mui Buena." Well he gives me this -omgIcan'tBelieveYouJustSaidThat-look. And he you know what you just said? And I said..well I'm doing good. He said no....You said you were very hot. So long story not listen to anyone about translations unless you look it up yourself. So I told my Spanish teacher I was very hot, and the waiter at El Tap..I will kill me some guys when I go to work this weekend. : |

Now I'm oh so sleepy from not sleeping much last night but I have so much to do...maybe a power nap? Something has to be done. Sorry I've been such a boring blogger today, just feeling lazy :)

Stay Pretty,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds

So I was sitting here, wondering what it was I was forgetting before I got ready for bed...and all of a sudden it hit me, I hadn't blogged yet :) I almost forgot but almost doesn't count ;)

So today was an eventful and productive day.

I've just returned from my 2.5 hour visit with the library and my Statistics homework that is due at 11pm tonight. CORRECTION: Was due at 11pm, not it isn't due until Thursday. So I did all that hard work and worrying for nothing. And this resulted in my boyfriend falling asleep on me, which makes me cranky >:| because I didn't get to hear him say goodnight which is one of my pet peeves!(ruff).

Also, on my way home there was a strange gentle fellow walking around in an empty parking lot with a trench coat on. He waved, so I waved back and smiled. I tell you right now. When something like that happens to you, don't you snub the lone stranger in black, because next thing you know You'll have a cap in your ass! So always be polite people.

Also, I learned about a new Beatles song in Music today called:

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..

and I must say, it is rather catchy.

I know all of ya'll are dying to know how my day at the gym went great!
I ran a mile, then did 20mins on the eliptical(sp?) which was almost 2 miles! I had a somewhat healthy supper of rice and fried vegetables that was very bland :/ so I mixed in some Salsa and it was ok..but even Kaleb, who never complains, would have thought it sucked. Working on it, working on it.

Also, I've decided to count calories and ONLY weigh myself weekly, on Mondays. I have placed my scale ontop of the Microwave where it shall poutingly sit until Mondays. I have always been real bad about getting up in the morning..weighing myself, eating, weighing myself, using the bathroom( don't laugh, you know you've done it!), weighing myself, pretty much I would weigh myself at least 20 times a day which gets you no where!

Also, while in the library, I overheard a boy saying (I love to ease drop :) )that he got offered a job at a Bank in Alaska! Go him :)

Stay Pretty,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

That's a Negative Ghostrider...

So I'm disapointed to annouce that we will not be living in the Condo-like houses. :(
Kaleb went and asked about them and they are $700 a month! This isn't even Rent-to-Own, so as my wise Mother said.."that's just pissing away $700!", which is the truth. So for now we are currently still looking for a much cheaper residence.

If everything goes as I would like, I will be quitting Grecian as soon as the Pool opens! That's only if I get the pool manager job, which I hope I do. This summer will be the first in a long time that I've not worked at least 3 jobs. And I know ya'll are reading this going, "She is plum crazy", and yes I've been told this plenty of times. I use work to keep me busy and my mind off things, so over the years I've not minded all the stressful hours and money of course :) $$$

I'm in my last semester at Tennessee Tech and it's proving to be stressful as ever. I'm currently taking a Statistics class, which is required for Cumberland's Nursing Program, and it is so hard! Math is my worst subject by far and just the thought of it almost brings tears to my eyes. Thankfully, I have a sister who is a high school Algebra teacher and made an A+ in her College Statistics class, so maybe things aren't so bad :)

Also, I'm taking a Micro class, which is too required for Nursing. Everyone was saying 'Oh you don't need the book', blah blah. Well sure enough, the teacher assigns homework that requires information FROM THE BOOK. So reluctantly, I have ordered the book and it should be here by the end of the week. :/

So I'm sitting at work, wishing I were with my boyfriend, rather than busting my brain over this homework. I guess I'll quit rambling now.  Until tomorrow!

P.S. I start the gym tomorrow!!

Stay Pretty,

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cha-Ching $$

So it definately snowed! Although it wasn't as much as I had hoped for, it still caused me to get out of 2 of my classes :) So now I only have one class but it sucks that it's not until 1:25! So I'm bored and stuck at the apt until then, though I may go to the library and print off some stuff...being as it's free there!

So Kaleb came up last night and I told him I would cook CheeseSteak Sandwiches and they turned out to be a success! I'm not really good with flavoring things because I don't mind to eat it I added a few different spices to the meat then cooked it, praying for the best. I used some PepperJack Cheese to also add some flavor. And I'm proud to say Kaleb said that it has to be the best thing I've cooked him :)

I am also happy to announce that Kaleb is going to talk to people about houses today since it's his day off! I'm so excited! There are these certain houses I like, well they're actually Condo's and there are 2 for sale in Lafayette. They are a little pricey and I told him not to be afraid to tell me if we can't afford them, but I'm hoping for the best!

Here's one of them...

..and the other.

As you can see they are actually 2 houses connected by a garage or as above connected on the house side. I personally would want the ones with the garages connected so you would have more privacy. Otherwise, I would feel like you could drill a hole in the wall and see the other occupants. Just.Not.Right.

But I'm staying open-minded and hoping for the best :)
Also, I'm applying for pool manager this summer in hopes that I'll get it and be able to quit Grecian! I have worked there almost 5 years and that's just tooooo long. It wears on me and I don't even smile anymore! But people are so use to it that it doens't much bother them, which isn't good either.

Plus, the pool needs major work and I've got several ideas for this :)

Ok, I'm done rambling now. I guess I will go clean up around the apt. and head to print some stuff off. bleh for having to work at Grecian tonight.

Stay Pretty,

Thursday, January 20, 2011



So today has been quite a boring day. But I thought I had better get on here and update this blog while it was still fresh and interesting to me :)

So far all I've done today is Eat and Read. I did everything in order to catch up in my classes last night and I only have 1 class today since my Micro Labs are canceled untill next week.

But Talk on the town is that there will be about 1-3 inches of Snow in Cookeville! I am so excited :) I love snow! I have always been one to love colder weather compared to hot weather. yuk. :/ I hate sweating. The only time I like to sweat is when I'm working out because that means that you are losing weight :)

I WILL be starting the gym on Monday with two of my friends, Zach and John. But while they are swimming on Tuesday and Thursdays( you do not want to see this in a bathing suit :/ ) I will just continue to use the Eliptical(sp?) which I've come to love :) As long as I have the hand things that you pull back and forth to keep me busy.

I need to get a nice set of headphones to use while working out. I can't use the ear phones that go in your ear because of a piercing that I have on my left ear at the Tragus. Which, I've also found is difficult when you are sticking a Stethiscope in your ear. SoOoOo...this may prove to be a problem that can only be solved by taking the piercing out, which I would rather not do because I love it so.

Don't you think it's funny how you can start talking about one thing then just end up in a totally different direction then what you intended? I mean, this whole time all I wanted to talk about was Pocahontas! :) I just love her.

But I will have to save that for another day. I am trying not to keep my posts too lengthy because I've discovered that when I begin to type..well..sometimes I just can't hardly stop.

But on a lighter note..since I have so much time on my hands..
I've began reading the First book in the Sookie Stackhouse Series(again)..

..and hopefully sometime soon I can get all of the TruBlood series on DVD because I love them so. Heart ----> <3

Until another day-
Stay Pretty,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby steps....

FEE FIi Fo fum...

Yes, I said it...Baby steps.  First I would like to say that at times I can be somewhat boring and very well could get bored with the whole blogging thing. So, with that being said, don't be surprised if this blog is gone..oh within a WEEK! Just because I've gotten tired of it :)

I would like to say  thank you to Chelsea Robinson. She started blogging and it made me want to try and get into the blogger world ( again) and see if it turned out better this time :) So thank you! and if you're reading this Chelsea, I think your blog is so interesting so keep it up to date!! ;)

So just some small details and tid-bits then I'm off to bed!

-I have been dating Kaleb for almost 1 year! This month(Jan.) will be our 10 months <3

-We are currently looking for houses :) And hope to be married sooooon!

-I am a Junior at TTU <--bleh.

-Starting Fall 2011, I WILL be starting a Nursing School somewhere within driving range..*hopefully*

- I am NO longer a Vegetarian :( sad face. Meat is just too yummy to me. But I hope to pick up the habit again some day.

-I just had my 21st Birthday! Fiesta! So I'm officially an adult now!


Enough of this. I'm totally tired. It is 11:42 people. Way past my bedtime. :/
Plus it'll take me like 30 mins before I ACTUALLY get in the bed because it takes me that long to wash my face, brush my teeth,  put in retainers.....


Do not, I repeat, Do not e.v.e.r. NOT wear your retainers for a long period of I did..or you will be in so much could just pull your teeth out. <--This is how I wake up feeling every morning :/ Trying to fix this problem..this CrOoKeD problem..

But goodnight. And I hope to keep this up daily. Even if it's just a sentence or two. I'm also starting the gym and counting calories next I hope blogging will help me keep up with that and motivate me to do it!

Thank you Audience for reading this oh so boring blog..and if you made it this far..Well a Gold Star for  you!

Stay Pretty,